Want to sell your Grand Prix: Paint In-Place artwork? Register your FREE artist profile to be featured on the Grand Prix Artist Page and list your artwork for sale!
Although artists do not need to register ahead of time to participate in this year’s International Grand Prix of Art Paint-in-Place, those interested can register to create their artist’s profile ahead of time to help increase their exposure and the sale of their artwork. Artists registering their profile agree to be featured on our event website and make available their submission for sale exclusively though our site. In addition to using the hashtag #grandprixofart2020, artists should email us an image of their completed (cropped) painting, with the title, location, medium, and selling price of the work of art.
The Grand Prix of Art will facilitate any potential sale of artwork, but the artist is responsible for shipping the painting to the eventual buyer — shipping fees will be added to the price of the artwork once the buyer has confirmed purchase and provided their address. Phoenix Art Workshop (the event administrator) will retain 20% of the sale of artwork generated though the event site, and will transfer funds to the artist immediately after the artwork has been received by the buyer and confirmation of payment is complete.
To register your profile, go to our secure event registration site and register for a free ticket in one of the 3 categories (Masters, Adult Open, or Youth)
Thank you for supporting the Grand Prix of Art!
Mark Glavina
#8 – 3891 Chatham St
Richmond, BC, Canada
V7E 2Z6